When you hire a commercial cleaning service, you are expecting to have top quality, good cleaning done in your office area. These areas can get very dirty very quickly. In our last article, we talked about some of the ways you can cut down on the clutter and dirtiness that accumulates between the scheduled commercial cleaning. In this article, we’ll talk about the type of treatment your office will get during that scheduled cleaning session.
Although you can expect for your employees to pick up after themselves, tidy up their clutter, and not leave spills everywhere, you really cannot expect them to go around dusting every night. Since this is the case, it’s up to the commercial cleaners to tackle this area of the office as often as they are scheduled to. Your cleaner or cleaning crew will dust and clean every surface of the office, ensuring that it looks and smells fresh and clean.
We also mentioned in the previous article that employees can carry their own disinfectant wipes to clean off any surfaces and avoid those super contagious office flues. While many employees choose to do this regularly, they won’t be able to fully disinfect to the point that a trained commercial cleaner can. That is why commercial cleaners will go through the entire office and thoroughly disinfect phones, keypads, desks, doorknobs, light switches, and any other surface that is frequently touched throughout the day.
Along with the detail work of dusting, disinfecting, and tidying, commercial cleaners will also sweep and mop as needed. If there are carpets, they will vacuum and remove any stains that have accumulated over the past week. Carpets and floors can get extremely dirty very fast, especially after a heavy rainfall or a snowstorm that leaves salt, slush, and mud. Employees will naturally track all of this across the office on their shoes. The commercial cleaners, however, will be able to quickly and effectively remove all of the dirtiness from the floors and carpets.
After reading this article, hopefully you are a little bit more knowledgeable about what commercial cleaners do to keep the office clean.