When you are a commercial cleaning business, it’s important to get clients. You can get clients in a multitude of ways. In some of our other articles on this website, we have provided some suggestions on how exactly you can go about finding places that you could potentially clean for. In this article, we will continue to inform you of what you can do as a commercial cleaning company after you find these potential clients. Read on and get ready to bring your client base to the next level!
After gathering all of the information that you need and after finding companies that you will like to make a proposal for commercial cleaning, you will need to start making phone calls to all of these companies. You can usually find the phone number for the company on the company’s website or web page. When you call them, you will want to be sure that you have a basic script that you will follow. This will make the process much simpler and faster. You will not have to come up with something to say for each company you call and it will be a whole lot less stressful for you. In this script, you are going to want to include a way that you can find out who hires the commercial cleaners for the company. You will also want to ask the company what exactly they are looking for. Don’t use this phone call opportunity as a chance to do a sales pitch. This will not be successful, as most of the time the person you are talking to isn’t even in charge of hiring the commercial cleaners. Make sure to use this time to find out what exactly the company is looking for and whether they would be interested in commercial cleaning.
Once you do this, you will have a major foot in the door to this company! This is one of the best ways to secure a client in your commercial cleaning business.